The school bus stopped in front of the CRFPO first thing yesterday morning, an indication that the 3rd annual “Career Day” was about to begin. This year, a very enthusiastic group of 6th – 8th grade students from Skyridge Middle School (32 in all) joined us for a half day filled with fish related activities. Students rotated through four activities which included dissecting a trout and studying its internal anatomy, radio-tracking fish, learning about aquatic nuisance species by playing a full sized trivia board game, and playing 5 holes of mini golf while learning about salmon migration. The day ended with lunch and a discussion about careers and fish management with the team of biologists who led the field activities. Just before leaving for the day, all of the students eagerly raised their hands when asked if they would like to join us again; a sure sign of the day’s success.
Fish Dissection |
Radio Tracking |
Salmon Migration Mini Golf |
Aquatic Nuisance Species |
Submitted by Donna Allard
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